Reading Intervention Strategies That Work

Reading intervention is, in a nutshell, extra help for struggling readers. It can take many forms. Ideally, the need for intervention will be spotted early, in pre-school or kindergarten, but if necessary, it can be introduced when troubles come up in later elementary years. Research based reading intervention programs such as those provided by Essential Skills can pinpoint areas of literacy that need to be targeted and offer the tools to achieve success.
Research based reading intervention programs
While there are numerous reasons a child may require reading intervention, there are also many available strategies. The key is to find the strategies that work with each student’s needs. Here are some tactics that have been proven effective:

  • Read! Encourage kids to read all the text around them. Cereal boxes or instruction manuals, homework assignments, favorite books, even comic books. Elementary reading intervention programs offer high-interest, grade level selections presented in an engaging style kid will enjoy.
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